"Everyone knows Washington is photogenic but no one knows this better than Jake McGuire. It is McGuire’s sensitivity to his subject that is central....though these monumental landscapes and structures are the same ones we have seen in thousands of other pictures all our lives, they have a different, more personal quality in being grazed by McGuire’s lens and the heightened, sometimes curious, lighting he knows precisely when and how to select for...to us Jake and the District seem inseparable.”


– Editor, Major Airline Magazine

Media Coverage


Media Bistro


WTOP's Man About Town


All Photos and content Copyright Jake McGuire 2023

New Memoirs Book!  McGuire's dashing new memoirs book is nearly complete and is ready for the publishing and film industry!

Editors, Book Publishers, Agents & Movie Houses, please inquire. I can send you sample chapters. photojake520@gmail.com